Ovog petka smo Vam pripremili jedan pravi champagne event :) DJ pult Cluba Boa preuzima doajen lounge glazbe DJ Soso u svom oproštajnom nastupu prije odlaska u Singapur! Live streaming sa eventa poslušajte na Radio Rijeci, naravno ako ste dalje od 100 kilometara od Cluba Boa :). U svakom drugom slučaju nema isprike za nedolazak :)

Ulaz slobodan !

Vidimo se ;)


Nebojsa Soso, aka DJ Soso, is born 07th July 1967 in Rijeka. He early inherited the passion and found an eternal source of the inspiration in the music. Started on early 90s as a pioneer of the chill-out & lounge musical genre he diligently searched for the new musical sounds during his voyages worldwide creating his refined style by connection of diverse musical styles in one unique symphony. Nowadays he became an uncontested guru of the lounge music in Croatia often asked to host the most happening lounge bars and to create the musical atmosphere for the exclusive fashion shows. No matter Ibiza, Dubai, Paris or Milan, the most important factor of his success is the sensibility in experimenting with several various musical styles and courage to follow them with equal passion which distinguishes him from many other DJs. In Croatia he played "Music for Dreams" in honor of Galiano Pahor and "Summer on Gradina" among some of the most eminent artists. Last year it has been launched his own live radio show on national Radio Rijeka every Sunday at 21:00 hrs. In one sentence a guarantee of musical quality which cannot be listened everywhere. Open your senses and enjoy the enchanting vibes!

Club Boa Rijeka
091/33 99 33 9
Leave the world behind

Izvor: Club Boa

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Oglašavanje - Reklama


Oglašavanje - Reklama





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